Employee Incentives

More loyalty and performance

Reward individual performance, increase team satisfaction and reduce fluctuation and sick leave. Employee incentives are the key to increasing your employees’ motivation, performance and commitment! We offer a wide range of incentives, tailored to your individual goals and resources. Discover the many ways we can inspire your team.

Bild von zwei lachenden Kollegen, die fröhlich bei der Arbeit sind.

Become a pioneer in your industry with us!

  • Create clear incentives with our employee incentives program to recruit and retain the best workers in your segment.
  • Support employee satisfaction and long-term personal commitment to the company.
  • Separate incentives from salary so employees don’t perceive them as a fixed part of their compensation.
  • Our transparent system gives you an overview of all costs and provides detailed reports.

Individually tailored to your company

We provide the right incentives at the right time!

Employee incentives include financial incentives such as bonuses and salary increases, non-financial recognition, professional development, flexible working conditions, team-building activities, health and wellness programs, employee participation, and clear career planning. As versatile as incentive options are, our solution is equally versatile and customizable. Each program is customized to your corporate identity and application case. In addition, you can decide, among other things:


What is rewarded when and how

Whether it’s above-average performance, replacements taken on, promotions, birthdays or newly recruited employees – you decide which occasions are rewarded with points and how many.


Who participates in the program and how

The program can target individual employees or larger teams: colleagues collect on a joint account and are motivated to reward themselves for strong performance, for example, with team events.


What points can be redeemed for

We provide the right incentive with a variety of (tax-free) bonuses, benefits, grants and training opportunities. Participating teams use their points for joint events.

One place for all employee rewards

When companies reward their employees, they often do so in a variety of ways: universal vouchers for tax-free non-cash compensation, gifts for birthdays, and paid training through HR. This complicates many processes, inflates internal accounting and makes it difficult to communicate simply and clearly to the workforce.

Use targeted employee benefits in one portal


Higher appreciation

By paying out points, employees’ feeling of reward is often higher than when money is transferred. This perception increases even further when redeemed for attractive rewards. Another advantage: Attractive rewards link employees to your company longer and more strongly than extra pay, which lands largely unnoticed in the account and has to be taxed.

Simplified communication

Knowing who gets what reward and when helps with consistent and easy-to-understand communication. This saves your HR team time and your employees nerves. In addition, our solution can be used as an intranet alternative.


With our solution, you have an overview of all the rewards issued and have better tracking capabilities as to what effects the additional payments to the salary achieve. This allows you to better control which budgets are really worthwhile in the long term and use the payments more efficiently.


Create fair rewards for everyone by using a fixed point logic. This reduces the dependencies of each manager and makes employees feel they are treated equally.

Many expansion options

Payouts for individual reasons offer a lot of freedom in handling the portal. It is also possible to add a benefits portal to the program in order to offer your employees additional shopping discounts and many reductions at well-known brands. In doing so, you decide to which employees the store benefits will be made available.

Invest in your employees: incentives that pay off!

Employee incentives are the key to a successful and motivated team. Through targeted incentives, you increase your employees’ willingness to perform and promote loyalty to the company. The result: greater efficiency, lower turnover and a competitive edge. Invest in your employees and see your business flourish. With our incentives, you’ll create a positive work environment, increase productivity and strengthen your company’s culture. Become a magnet of top performers too!

Schedule a free consultation today

Tax-free benefits and bonuses

Good, trained personnel are crucial to the success of a company. Rarely has it been as difficult as it is today to find and permanently retain the right employees. Depending on your goals and challenges, we offer a variety of employee program solutions that make your job opportunities more attractive, simplify workforce planning – and are tax-free for you. We bring the selection of bonuses and benefits to match your workforce right along with it.


Attract employees

Are you having difficulty finding new employees? Recruiting new employees comes at a high cost. Differentiate yourself from competitors with your own employee program or integrate an “employees recruit employees” bonus program.

Retain employees

Do you want to lower your staff turnover rate? Let employees collect points and additionally reward long periods of service and festive occasions such as company anniversaries. The rewards create a positive connection to the company and improve its image.

Reward employees in a targeted manner

Certain tasks or working hours are unpopular with your employees? Our reward system initially compensates for unattractive factors and makes planning easier. Even a few sick days or above-average performance can be incentivized.

Bild von zwei Männern, die gemeinsam an einem Projekt arbeiten.

Tax exemptions in program

Your employee program with a very special charm: The tax-free benefit in kind allows you, as a German employer, to pass on up to € 50 per month to employees free of tax and social security contributions in accordance with Section 8 (2) p.11 ESTG. Use this allowance in an employee program to promote certain actions and motivate your employees.

Here, a certain point value is distributed for previously defined actions: If an employee reaches these goals, he or she uses up the tax-free allowance and reaches the maximum limit until he or she can collect again the next month. Employees who are less committed receive hardly any points and thus no further allowance on top of their salary.

This targeted reward ensures greater efficiency within the company and saves costs. In this way, the right incentives are set in a targeted manner and the employee receives a higher equivalent value for his performance as a reward.

What can we do for your employees?

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