Better consumption data from motivated participants
Representative, reliable consumption data from consumers all over the world is a specialty of GfK. Manufacturers, retail companies and advertisers rely on the exclusive analyses and forecasts of the globally active market research institute. We help GfK to obtain some of the raw data it needs from shoppers, always on time and in high quality.
In order to collect meaningful, exclusive data, GfK operates so-called “consumer panels”. In these panels, representative groups of shoppers are asked to report continuously on their everyday purchases and consumer behaviour. Panel participants receive bonus points for their willingness to provide information, which they can exchange for attractive rewards and the chance to win valuable prizes. In addition to Germany and Austria, the GfK bonus program has also been in operation in Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands for several years to motivate participating shoppers.
As a program partner, Coloyal provides an annually renewed range of rewards, numerous vouchers and chances to win for all five panels. Collectors have the choice of selecting their desired rewards in the current print catalogue in their national language or online in the GfK rewards shop.
- For the ever new panel participants, we operate the rewards sourcing, continuously expand and update the rewards and voucher portfolio based on our data analyses.
- In 2015, we successfully integrated Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy into the rewards program and now offer special campaigns such as promotions (summer, winter, online promotions), monthly rewards in a total of five countries.
- The annual highlight is the print catalogue we designed in five language versions, which is distributed in large numbers to all panel participants and used intensively to browse the range.
About GfK
The Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung is one of the largest market research institutes worldwide. As such, GfK has been providing important market data on purchasing decisions and consumer behaviour of the most diverse social groups for over 80 years. GfK has relied on our skills as loyalty and CRM specialists since 2007.